Inspirations, opinions, and sprinklings of thought leadership from the ILN team

25 Feb 2015

by David Allard

Digital advertising and the Cookie Monster

Once upon a time, advertising promotions could only be seen in the likes­­­­ of newspapers or magazines, on leaflets, posters, on the good old TV, on billboards, by word of mouth, heard on the radio or pasted on to a sandwich board and attached to an odd-looking person walking down the street.

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6 Jan 2015

by Andrew Hearn

Digital Developments: 2014 and the year ahead

In 2014, we saw the fast-paced digital industry gather even more momentum with record levels of venture-capitalist funding in London and further consolidation, making the city the epicentre of European tech start-ups and innovation.

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22 Oct 2014

by Andrew Hearn

Gone Phishing: online fraud

During this particularly busy time for online retail, brands are also striving to maintain their reputations, revenue and customers by safeguarding against counterfeit goods and fake websites. Consumers need to be wary, too.

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16 Oct 2014

by Vicky Stringer

Brand Bulletin

Early mornings are usually the quietest time of the day here and it’s when I will be outside checking on the tomatoes. This particular morning, I heard heavy breathing above – rather like the dragon Smaug in The Hobbit – and when I looked up, I saw two hot air balloons. Cue lots of waving!

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23 Sep 2014

by Andrew Hearn

The Hovis Problem: New Thinking for Heritage Branding

Brands that have been around for a long time (and many that want us to think they have) have long recognised the value of the heritage story in customer engagement.

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16 Sep 2014

by Andrew Hearn

Think Glocal! Digital Media and Communities

In recent years, we’ve seen the rise of the “digital nomad”, leading an independent lifestyle that combines a career with the freedom to travel and work anywhere in the world. Yet in opening up the world to us, the internet has also been seen as fostering a lack of social cohesion with us interacting remotely in our own digital bubbles.

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9 Sep 2014

by Andrew Hearn

The Informed Shopper: End of the Impulse Buy?

Impulse shopping on the high street may be becoming a distant memory, as consumers increasingly take to the internet to research their purchases, before buying online.

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28 Apr 2014

by Andrew Hearn

The new journalism: robotic or on brand?

Woody Allen recalled the day his father came home from work to say he had been replaced by a tiny device that could do everything he did. Next morning, his mother went out and bought one.

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24 Mar 2014

by Andrew Hearn

Digital Days and Interactive Print

Print products are converging with cutting-edge digital technologies in a holistic approach that harnesses the benefits of both screen-based and print technologies.

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